Thursday, October 18, 2012

Shut Up Presidential Candidate Stein!

Oops! Tweet disallowed on October 18, 2012 at 8:50pm ET at Twitter, where I am @koffietime:

@GOP @TheDemocrats Y'all should have insisted that Stein & other 3rd party ppl join the debates or threaten to leave!

The censorship force let me ask the Supreme Court to strike down the Dred Scott decision (I read that it never was taken out of the law!). And the cyberstalkers let me ask that the Voting Rights Act become a law. But asking that Stein and other third party candidates be allowed to join the debates was going too far! Excuse me. I just learned that blacks are not quite citizens (our right to vote is decided every 25 years), and I was taught that freedom of press/free speech were my rights. It would be handy if someone would write down the real rights people have in the USA and strike through the ones that don't pertain to people with African ancestry. Our civics classes are teaching falsehoods.

Did y'all know we at Lawless America are creating a new party - the Revolutionary Party! Take a look at the embedded video below, which is also at this link

William Windsor, producer of "Lawless America - The Movie," is traveling throughout the country to all 50 states and interviewing over 1,000 victims of government and judicial corruption. See the Lawless America website to learn how you can become a Lawless America whistleblower at Lawless America is due to record testimony in Georgia soon. I don't know what the censorship force intends to do to keep my family's story about my disabled brother's murder under secret arrest from being filmed, but I am certain they plan SOMETHING. They are relentless in censoring the WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL at and The Cochran Firm Fraud against Africans in America. They burglarized my home and stole boxes of court records containing my original files regarding Neals v. The Cochran Firm and certain evidence judges wrongly kept from going before a jury by dismissing the cases on ridiculous assertions: 1) There is no Cochran Firm law office at all in Georgia, and 2) justice for the Neal family was ruled "immaterial." Please pray for William Windsor and all the people who are exposing oppression in order to SAVE AMERICA. Four links are in this article, but the censorship crew might redirect them. This is truly "lawless America."

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