UPDATE - Timothy "Bulldog" Allen's body was recovered from the lake near Napier Avenue bridge in St. Joseph, Michigan where police spoke with him last on November 9, 2011. Rev. Pinkney, director of Benton Harbor NAACP, relayed the sad news that Allen's remains surfaced on December 29, 2011. Allen went missing after his family called an ambulance for him because he seemed to need emergency medical services. They never saw him again. Numerous African Americans go missing in police custody or immediately after, especially persons experiencing mental or emotional trauma. Rev. Pinkney suspects foul play. When I spoke with him on December 30, Rev. Pinkney said Allen's family had not been allowed to view the body at that time. Police refused to drag the lake for Allen's body although that should have been done when he initially went "missing." We understand that Allen was no John Kennedy, III, for whom the Army searched when his plan went down. However, lakes are dragged for many average citizens, but not for Timothy Allen. Decomposition, especially in water, is useful if there is something to hide. I resent it. Please pray for Allen's family. They loved him, and his friends loved him and will miss his love. People matter. I will write a separate report about this tragedy once more information is available, such as funeral arrangements. I called the victim's family to see if they want to make a statement to my readers, but the call went to their voice mail. Sometimes my cyberstalkers channel my phone calls to message services, so I hope Allen's family really received my invitation to address their loss in MaryLovesJustice blog. My initial report about Allen going missing in early November is below. Paragraph #6 below was also updated. Thank you for your interest in open disclosure and justice in this matter.
ORIGINAL REPORT --- Paragraph 1 --- PLEASE HELP find Timothy "Bulldog" Allen. His family called an ambulance for him in Benton Harbor, Michigan almost two weeks ago and have not seen him since. There are nine(9) paragraphs with the December 31 update included, one(1) photo with a description, and eight(8) links and twenty-eight (28) recent @koffietime tweets in this article (not counting links in tweets). Police were last to see him, according to his family at this link http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/2011/11/20/pinkney-to-pinkney for the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk radio show on November 20, 2011. November 29 Note: I wrote to President Obama about missing/ murdered black people who were last seen with police at this link "Open Letter to President Obama from Mary Neal" in my FreeSpeakBlog - http://goo.gl/zL4FZ - Timothy Allen's family asks for his return, even if he is dead. They need closure. If you are using a cell phone, please select "Go to Page 1," or stalkers will prevent your having the full report.
2. Allen's family lacks the resources to drag lakes near Napier Avenue bridge where police admit they saw him last. The Allens have no money for a reward at this time. Please help them. When my brother, Larry Neal, went "missing" in July 2003, police kept him in secret incarceration for 18 days and returned his naked corpse. Police in Memphis, Tennessee and the United States Department of Justice REFUSE to give us any explanation or records, but at least we know where his body is, if not how they killed him. Larry was a lifelong schizophrenic heart patient who was hospitalized for over 20 years before America's acute mental patients were "deinstitutionalized" in the 1970s. Matrice Richardson went "missing" in California in 2009. Her remains were found in 2010. She was also last seen alive in the custody of police. Matrice, a recent college graduate, suffered from depression and had symptoms of bipolar disorder. At least her family got her body back, although it took a year. The Allen family called for emergency assistance on November 9, because Bulldog was acting delusional and irrational. He reportedly refused treatment when his ambulance reached Lakewood Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, and he left on foot. The Allen family reported on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio show that the 44-year-old had been suffering from seizures in recent months. Please help get Allen back to his family, alive or dead. We do not know what is being done to black people having mental or emotional crises. If you are viewing this or any other article I published online by using a cellphone, please select the option "go to page 1."
3. Cochran Firm fraud victim Edwina Davis was also introduced on the November 20, 2011 episode of the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk show. She shares her story at this video: "Edwina Davis Tape 1 of 10 - Cochran Firm Fraud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjuFFWeP4tk - Davis went to The Cochran Firm after sexual assault by her supervisor at Tyco International Corporation. She and a group of blacks also sought help with another case against Tyco - racism. Nooses were hung in the maintenance area where only one black worked among many whites. They said their workplace was hostile due to sexual assault against minority female workers and overt racism. Naturally, The Cochran Firm protected Tyco from both lawsuits. The Tyco employee who confessed to hanging the noose apologized but was not fired, but The Cochran Firm told its black clients that was all they would get.
4. Regarding Edwina having her breasts squeezed by her supervisor whenever she walked by, she had witnesses and a tape recording with the supervisor's admission. She had already filed suit against Tyco herself as a pro se plaintiff before going to The Cochran Firm. If you are viewing this or any other article I published online by using a cellphone, please select the option "go to page 1." Stalkers sometimes make my articles open after the opening statements and photographs. They also want to hide the data count I place at the articles' beginning. Edwina probably filed a pro se lawsuit against Tyco because lawyers in Georgia do not help plaintiffs sue New World Order firms, but such victims are left to be "handled" by The Cochran Firm. She went to The Cochran Firm about the racial discrimination, but also told the attorney about her sexual harassment case she already filed on her own. Michiel Pete, Esq. immediately got Edwina's permission to REMOVE her lawsuit against Tyco from the court to amend it, but he never re-filed the suit. Instead, he settled the lawsuit for a low amount. When Edwina complained to Pete that her settlement was too low, her stalking, terrorism, and financial persecution got worse. It continues today, years later. November 29 Note: Edwina Davis was to join us on the November 27 Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk show, but she experienced technical difficulties. Instead, we discussed the fact that black people are going missing after encounters with the police nationwide. Hear our November 27 show and others online by Googling "Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk," or use this link - http://goo.gl/Op0bU - I shall upload a videotape of my interview with Ms. Davis wherein she revealed disturbing information about why she says "the Cochran Firm terrifies me" at my YouTube channel JKEMPP703 - http://youtube.com/jkempp703 . We hope Rev. Pinkney will be able to fit Ms. Davis in on next week's show. Also Google "Edwina Davis Mary Neal" for articles.
5. Please pray for Timothy "Bulldog" Allen and his family. Share the link above and Allen's photograph. Help his family conduct physical searches for him if you live in the area. If not, please help the Allens post a reward. Call the Allens at (804) 363-9984. Pray also for Edwina Davis, the Neal family, the Andersons of Kentucky, the Jacksons of California, Kathryn Johnston's family in Atlanta, the Ramapough People of NJ and all other victims of The Cochran Firm CoIntelPro fraud program against minorities in America. (See "Mann v. Ford," an HBO documentary about the sickness and deaths Mr. Mann's people suffered as a result of Ford's toxic waste dumping on their land, which aired Spring 2011). The attorneys at The Cochran Firm protect major corporations and government entities against lawsuits after wrongful deaths and injuries. Defrauding the 99% for the 1% must end. See my HubPages article, "FOOD STAMP SLAVE REPARATIONS" to learn why whites, Jews, Asians, and others must oppose victimization against blacks in America at this link http://maryneal.hubpages.com/hub/Food-Stamp-Slave-Reparations . FIRST, they come for the most disenfranchised in a society, but whites have begun to experience long-term unemployment and arrests and police brutality for complaining. Visit my online advocacy group, ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL. Whites with mental illness are already used by prison investors for increased profits, and many suffer abuse. Prosperity does not really trickle down, but victimization floods upward. Whites like Lynne Stewart also suffer persecution if they are human/civil rights activists. Please keep Lynne Stewart and all political prisoners in your prayers. Learn about the disbarred, imprisoned activist attorney on the Rev. Pinkney Show tapes online and by visiting her blog - http://LynneStewart.org .Thank you for your interest in justice issues by MaryLovesJustice, the world's most censored online activist.
6. November 29 Note: I entered around 30 tweets at my @koffietime Twitter page tonight then checked the 11 lists following me. Only one tweet reached my lists as far as I could see, and it was a re-tweet I published for another activist organization whose link did not link. I assume that human rights organization is also censored, just as my videos show that Amnesty International and the Innocence Project are. I decided to let them know. One night I videotaped how hard I had to fight to position the link for Innocent Project's donation page within an article. Whoever the Internet stalkers work for, they are against the innocent going free, missing and murdered black citizens being found timely, accountability for jail murders of handicapped people like Larry Neal, anti-death penalty advocacy, decriminalizing mental illness, and anything else that has a negative impact on PRISON PROFITS. For that reason, I assume we will eventually find inmates who were also victims of The Cochran Firm fraud. [December 31, 2011 UPDATE: I received my first call from a criminal defendant who says he was defrauded by The Cochran Firm in mid-December. He did not have his civil action attorney's permission for me to release information about his case to you now, but I hope to be allowed to give you full details of the latest Cochran Firm fraud I learned about. It is to prevent my receiving such reports that cyberstalkers took over our telephone at (678) 531-0262. Try to call me yourself and see how far your "free speech rights" go. A link to Edwina Davis' first video "Edwina Davis Tape 1 of 10 - Cochran Firm Fraud" regarding her victimization by Cochran Firm attorney M. Pete, Esq. is posted at paragraph 3.]
7. For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. ~Esther 7:4
8. See @koffietime tweets about the Nov. 20 Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio Show - Follow me at Twitter if they let you at this link http://twitter.com/koffietime - (This article has nine(9) paragraphs with paragraph no. 1 being an update written December 31 regarding Tim Allen's body being recovered, one(1) photo with a description, and eight(8) links before the twenty-eight(28) recent tweets posted from @koffietime at Twitter. Most of my tweets have links, but they are not counted in the seven.) Note that the word "lists" does not link below. That is because lists that follow @koffietime only get my tweets that stalkers allow. The stalkers may be paid from your tax money. Police refuse to trace their IP addresses my computer security software captured, so I assume the stalkers are government and not The Cochran Firm (or perhaps they are the same).
@WorldinMotion When one's lawyers R traitors and perverts, anything can happen freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/edwina… RADIO blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/20… #SEX #USDOJ
@WorldinMotion When one's lawyers are traitors and perverts, anything can happen freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/edwina… RADIO blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/20… #SEX #USDOJ
@Google I wrote about the lewd photos stalkers sent to my 89-yr-old mom's cell phone in 79 TWEETS OF NET FREEDOM freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/03/79-twe…
@TheBlackList @blackvoices @Google Blacks GO Missing in Police Custody: Timothy "Bulldog" Allen marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/11/blacks… also EdwinaDavis speaks
@cxs Timothy Allen last seen when fam called ambulance. Can't blacks B safe with city personnel - police and ambulances, please? #government
@cxs ANOTHER black person missing-last seen with Michigan police who say they dropped him off near a bridge blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/20… #government
@OccupyWallStNYC The 99% is being defrauded by The Cochran Firm for 1% corps & the gov freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/edwina… but we are standing up now!
@BishopJakes The Body of Christ has a duty to the least of these, His brethren Matt.25:40 Visit care2.com/c2c/group/aimi Assist sick inmates pls
@rww @Delaproser @RCdeWinter @newyorktimes @bferc @OWSAtlanta BEST VIDEO re @OccupyWallSt bhbanco.blogspot.com/2011/11/occupy… USA Hypocrisy Exposed #resist
@DoNotGiveUpHope We shall overcome. Best video re Occupy movement bhbanco.blogspot.com/2011/11/occupy… American hypocrisy revealed.
@cxs B A N C O: BEST VIDEO ON the Occupy Movement bhbanco.blogspot.com/2011/11/occupy… - American hypocrisy revealed #government
@Google @TheJusticeDept @KasimReed @AtlantaPost @legallawwatch @NPR Read "Edwina Davis: The Cochran Firm Terrifies Me" freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/11/edwina…
@LawfulBear Enough about discrepancies in tweets. I must write abt the latest Cochran Firm Fraud victim I found, Edwina, and upload her film
@LawfulBear Three of my recent tweets may be slated for removal. Home pg 13,632, profile pg 13,629. Stalkers nearby put my PC on an intranet
@LawfulBear See my video entitled "STALKERS, CAN YOU ADD?" Right now my home page shows 13,632 on my home pg, but 13,629 on my profile.
@Twitter Something about my tweets from Oct. 29 through Nov. 1 that FRIGHTENS someone. They're not allowed 2 paste at marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/11/cover-…
@blackvoices I SAID the Negroes in place to oversee the plantation in GA and nationwide have trouble via @OccupyWallSt and awakening sheeple
@Twitter Sing-along: The police bone's connected to the USDOJ bone; the DOJ bone's connected to Holder's bone; Holder's bone's connected to
@Google These people will have to play with me in person this wk unless they crank up the blizzard machine. No marching in cold weather 4 me
@Twitter They followed me to the library as usual. I'll have to use the film to get an accurate assessment of the tweets they censored.
@Twitter they seem to have deleted tweets about NEGROES like Idi Amin africanhistory.about.com/od/biography/a…
@Google I time it. Within 1 min of my sitting at bus stop by my house, 2 firetrucks. One morning, fire truck was on my street - just sitting
ORIGINAL REPORT --- Paragraph 1 --- PLEASE HELP find Timothy "Bulldog" Allen. His family called an ambulance for him in Benton Harbor, Michigan almost two weeks ago and have not seen him since. There are nine(9) paragraphs with the December 31 update included, one(1) photo with a description, and eight(8) links and twenty-eight (28) recent @koffietime tweets in this article (not counting links in tweets). Police were last to see him, according to his family at this link http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/2011/11/20/pinkney-to-pinkney for the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk radio show on November 20, 2011. November 29 Note: I wrote to President Obama about missing/ murdered black people who were last seen with police at this link "Open Letter to President Obama from Mary Neal" in my FreeSpeakBlog - http://goo.gl/zL4FZ - Timothy Allen's family asks for his return, even if he is dead. They need closure. If you are using a cell phone, please select "Go to Page 1," or stalkers will prevent your having the full report.
Photo: Timothy "Bulldog" Allen, age 44
Last seen in St. Joseph, Michigan
2. Allen's family lacks the resources to drag lakes near Napier Avenue bridge where police admit they saw him last. The Allens have no money for a reward at this time. Please help them. When my brother, Larry Neal, went "missing" in July 2003, police kept him in secret incarceration for 18 days and returned his naked corpse. Police in Memphis, Tennessee and the United States Department of Justice REFUSE to give us any explanation or records, but at least we know where his body is, if not how they killed him. Larry was a lifelong schizophrenic heart patient who was hospitalized for over 20 years before America's acute mental patients were "deinstitutionalized" in the 1970s. Matrice Richardson went "missing" in California in 2009. Her remains were found in 2010. She was also last seen alive in the custody of police. Matrice, a recent college graduate, suffered from depression and had symptoms of bipolar disorder. At least her family got her body back, although it took a year. The Allen family called for emergency assistance on November 9, because Bulldog was acting delusional and irrational. He reportedly refused treatment when his ambulance reached Lakewood Regional Medical Center in St. Joseph, and he left on foot. The Allen family reported on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio show that the 44-year-old had been suffering from seizures in recent months. Please help get Allen back to his family, alive or dead. We do not know what is being done to black people having mental or emotional crises. If you are viewing this or any other article I published online by using a cellphone, please select the option "go to page 1."
3. Cochran Firm fraud victim Edwina Davis was also introduced on the November 20, 2011 episode of the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk show. She shares her story at this video: "Edwina Davis Tape 1 of 10 - Cochran Firm Fraud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjuFFWeP4tk - Davis went to The Cochran Firm after sexual assault by her supervisor at Tyco International Corporation. She and a group of blacks also sought help with another case against Tyco - racism. Nooses were hung in the maintenance area where only one black worked among many whites. They said their workplace was hostile due to sexual assault against minority female workers and overt racism. Naturally, The Cochran Firm protected Tyco from both lawsuits. The Tyco employee who confessed to hanging the noose apologized but was not fired, but The Cochran Firm told its black clients that was all they would get.
4. Regarding Edwina having her breasts squeezed by her supervisor whenever she walked by, she had witnesses and a tape recording with the supervisor's admission. She had already filed suit against Tyco herself as a pro se plaintiff before going to The Cochran Firm. If you are viewing this or any other article I published online by using a cellphone, please select the option "go to page 1." Stalkers sometimes make my articles open after the opening statements and photographs. They also want to hide the data count I place at the articles' beginning. Edwina probably filed a pro se lawsuit against Tyco because lawyers in Georgia do not help plaintiffs sue New World Order firms, but such victims are left to be "handled" by The Cochran Firm. She went to The Cochran Firm about the racial discrimination, but also told the attorney about her sexual harassment case she already filed on her own. Michiel Pete, Esq. immediately got Edwina's permission to REMOVE her lawsuit against Tyco from the court to amend it, but he never re-filed the suit. Instead, he settled the lawsuit for a low amount. When Edwina complained to Pete that her settlement was too low, her stalking, terrorism, and financial persecution got worse. It continues today, years later. November 29 Note: Edwina Davis was to join us on the November 27 Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk show, but she experienced technical difficulties. Instead, we discussed the fact that black people are going missing after encounters with the police nationwide. Hear our November 27 show and others online by Googling "Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk," or use this link - http://goo.gl/Op0bU - I shall upload a videotape of my interview with Ms. Davis wherein she revealed disturbing information about why she says "the Cochran Firm terrifies me" at my YouTube channel JKEMPP703 - http://youtube.com/jkempp703 . We hope Rev. Pinkney will be able to fit Ms. Davis in on next week's show. Also Google "Edwina Davis Mary Neal" for articles.
5. Please pray for Timothy "Bulldog" Allen and his family. Share the link above and Allen's photograph. Help his family conduct physical searches for him if you live in the area. If not, please help the Allens post a reward. Call the Allens at (804) 363-9984. Pray also for Edwina Davis, the Neal family, the Andersons of Kentucky, the Jacksons of California, Kathryn Johnston's family in Atlanta, the Ramapough People of NJ and all other victims of The Cochran Firm CoIntelPro fraud program against minorities in America. (See "Mann v. Ford," an HBO documentary about the sickness and deaths Mr. Mann's people suffered as a result of Ford's toxic waste dumping on their land, which aired Spring 2011). The attorneys at The Cochran Firm protect major corporations and government entities against lawsuits after wrongful deaths and injuries. Defrauding the 99% for the 1% must end. See my HubPages article, "FOOD STAMP SLAVE REPARATIONS" to learn why whites, Jews, Asians, and others must oppose victimization against blacks in America at this link http://maryneal.hubpages.com/hub/Food-Stamp-Slave-Reparations . FIRST, they come for the most disenfranchised in a society, but whites have begun to experience long-term unemployment and arrests and police brutality for complaining. Visit my online advocacy group, ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL. Whites with mental illness are already used by prison investors for increased profits, and many suffer abuse. Prosperity does not really trickle down, but victimization floods upward. Whites like Lynne Stewart also suffer persecution if they are human/civil rights activists. Please keep Lynne Stewart and all political prisoners in your prayers. Learn about the disbarred, imprisoned activist attorney on the Rev. Pinkney Show tapes online and by visiting her blog - http://LynneStewart.org .Thank you for your interest in justice issues by MaryLovesJustice, the world's most censored online activist.
6. November 29 Note: I entered around 30 tweets at my @koffietime Twitter page tonight then checked the 11 lists following me. Only one tweet reached my lists as far as I could see, and it was a re-tweet I published for another activist organization whose link did not link. I assume that human rights organization is also censored, just as my videos show that Amnesty International and the Innocence Project are. I decided to let them know. One night I videotaped how hard I had to fight to position the link for Innocent Project's donation page within an article. Whoever the Internet stalkers work for, they are against the innocent going free, missing and murdered black citizens being found timely, accountability for jail murders of handicapped people like Larry Neal, anti-death penalty advocacy, decriminalizing mental illness, and anything else that has a negative impact on PRISON PROFITS. For that reason, I assume we will eventually find inmates who were also victims of The Cochran Firm fraud. [December 31, 2011 UPDATE: I received my first call from a criminal defendant who says he was defrauded by The Cochran Firm in mid-December. He did not have his civil action attorney's permission for me to release information about his case to you now, but I hope to be allowed to give you full details of the latest Cochran Firm fraud I learned about. It is to prevent my receiving such reports that cyberstalkers took over our telephone at (678) 531-0262. Try to call me yourself and see how far your "free speech rights" go. A link to Edwina Davis' first video "Edwina Davis Tape 1 of 10 - Cochran Firm Fraud" regarding her victimization by Cochran Firm attorney M. Pete, Esq. is posted at paragraph 3.]
7. For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish. ~Esther 7:4
8. See @koffietime tweets about the Nov. 20 Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio Show - Follow me at Twitter if they let you at this link http://twitter.com/koffietime - (This article has nine(9) paragraphs with paragraph no. 1 being an update written December 31 regarding Tim Allen's body being recovered, one(1) photo with a description, and eight(8) links before the twenty-eight(28) recent tweets posted from @koffietime at Twitter. Most of my tweets have links, but they are not counted in the seven.) Note that the word "lists" does not link below. That is because lists that follow @koffietime only get my tweets that stalkers allow. The stalkers may be paid from your tax money. Police refuse to trace their IP addresses my computer security software captured, so I assume the stalkers are government and not The Cochran Firm (or perhaps they are the same).

For we are sold, I & my people, 2 be destroyed, 2 be slain, and 2 perish ~Esther 7:4. BLACKS MISSING IN POLICE CUSTODY goo.gl/I5rs0




Edwina Davis contracted w/ Cochran Firm atty Pete re sexual harassment at Tyco Int'l. She rec'd photos of naked white men. Mama got photos 2







Retweeted by koffietime












to wimc: There goes a bus! Better throw The Cochran Firm underneath. They are dragging you down.




This is why there is not alot of help from Missing Groups,We have nothing saying he is deceased but yet Law Enforcment is to blame??No reason to blame without proof,Why does this always have to be racial..I dont get it..
ReplyDeleteReading comprehension course: http://www.readingcomprehensionconnection.com/
ReplyDelete1) My brother, Larry Neal, a black lifelong schizophrenic heart patient was presumed missing (because police lied like DOGS and denied they had him incarcerated until 18 days later when they returned his naked corpse. The USDOJ helped Memphis Shelby Co. Jail cover-up his murder and for eight years have REFUSED to treat his murder with any of the concern shown for Michael Vick's dogs.
2. Matrice Richardson was a beautiful college grad with a 4.0 GPA. She was due to enroll in grad school and worked as a psychology asst. She suffered from bouts of depression and bipolar disorder. She went missing after police were called to a restaurant where she was acting erratic and could not pay her check. Police arrested her and no one ever saw Matrice alive again.
3. Timothy Bulldog Allen was transported to St. Joseph Hospital by ambulance because he was experiencing seizures and hallucinations. Two St. Joseph police officers claim they gave him a ride across the bridge after Timothy was not treated at the hospital. That was the last time he was seen, Nov. 9, 2011.
They are three. I am sure there are more. If you want to know the truth, I am sure there are also some white mental patients who went missing after police custody. Trust me, I will look for such cases. I got a call (a miracle) from a white bipolar man who was arrested after he and his girlfriend had a domestic dispute. He got violent with her and was arrested. He said when police threw him into a solitary cell, they put a police dog in with him and told the dog to attack. The dog took a plug out of his leg, he reported. There are 1.25 million mentally ill people in prison right now, and at least half of them are white. Abuse to mentally ill Americans is equal opportunity brutality.
As far as Missing Groups not helping, there was always discrimination against mentally ill people. In fact, they surpass minorities for being murdered and brutalized and imprisoned, comprising over half of all the people behind bars. Nazi Germany started its "cleansing" by isolating and murdering perceived mentally ill people, whether or not they were Jews. They even killed kids as young as two years of age if the children were "different." So I understand if any "missing groups" you are affiliated with choose to ignore the nation's missing mentally ill people. Dogs in America's shelters get more concern.
Mary Neal
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
jamiejones1963, I find it interesting that I have been allowed to receive no viewer comments on ANY of my over 200 Blogger articles in months, and the only one stalkers let post was this one from you criticizing me on false premises. Black mental patients ARE going missing after police custody, Jamie, as ugly as that sounds. Many people in the injustice system would like for the Internet to be used only for commercial purposes and remove dissidents who object to the country going Nazi and remove any evidence of police brutality. In fact, Google was ordered to remove certain police brutality videos between Jan. and June 2011, but the company refused. Next thing you know, Google is hit with congressional antitrust hearings and unfounded antitrust lawsuits by its competitors. Furthermore, congressmen who are less than Americans deserve introduced S.968 and H.R.3261 to make the U.S. Justice Dept. the Internet clearinghouse in America. If they pass, the Justice Department will be allowed to redirect links, remove websites, and issue DoS on certain sites as prison profiteers in Washington see fit. Go to OpenCongress.org and vote yes for those bills, Jamie. If they pass, freedom of press will end in America and you won't have to be subject to truth online any more. The media already sold out.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. I wish you could tell some of my friends and others who care about justice who you had to talk to to get your comment to post.