At Twitter I am @koffietime. I had "follow me at Twitter" widgets on my blogs, but CoIntelPro prevented them from working after I complained that the widget did not have all my tweets, whereas they all appeared when one viewed my Twitter page directly at . I am the most censored American with a team of dedicated cyberstalkers hired to go online with me whenever I use the Internet, 24/7. My computer security software captures stalkers' IP addresses, but Georgia police refuse to investigate and prosecute those who censor me and steal data from my computer hard drive. The New World Order has already taken over local police as well as numerous corporations, government offices, and mainstream media. As you read my articles, you will see that even some human and civil rights organizations are involved or too intimidated to address gross human rights abuses.
Please see SOME of my November 2011 tweets below. Most of my tweets could not be copied and pasted. I am America's most censored. There is a discrepancy between the tweets I copied here and those at my Twitter page. Some are missing from this blog. The disparity was likely interference by my personal censorship force and not by Twitter or Blogger. In my article, "Internet Censorship American Style," I published a video showing that text can be coded to be unprintable. Stalkers can block part of your blogs from public view, make your tabs invisible, and render text ineligible for the copy/paste function. My tweets they want to censor are like that. If you highlight my Twitter page, copy it, then try to drop it into a document, there are usually missing tweets. The missing tweets indicate news that is being censored with particularity. I then can make certain predictions about officials' plans based on the news they censor from my tweets and articles. I publish my predictions in an article, "Mary Neal's End Times Predictions."
Why am I the most censored American? The USA has many human/civil rights activists, but I may be the only one who had a disabled brother secretly arrested for 18 days and murdered, with all requests for records and government accountability denied for eight years. (See Wrongful Death of Larry ). My disabled brother's secret murder proves that America does some of the same human rights violations as Nazi Germany did and China does. Other reasons for my censorship are the ten listed below:
1. Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, an online advocacy group I founded and direct to help decriminalize mental illness in America, which would be unprofitable for prison investors
2. Boycott 4 Justice: No Shopping on the 9th of any month during 2011. If decision makers cared about our petitions and marches, Troy Davis would still be alive. Power responds to money and guns. Being a nonviolent Christian woman, I advocate boycotts like Dr. Martin Luther King used, i.e., the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
3. Occupy Demand: Divest or Resign "Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also." Americans expect officials to introduce and support laws that are detrimental to their own stock portfolios, but the Bible says that will not happen. Officials must divest themselves of corporate stock during the time they represent the People, or we will continue to compete with elected officials' wallets.
4. The Cochran Firm Fraud: One of the nation's largest plaintiffs' law firm that misuses Johnnie Cochran's name and reputation to defraud certain clients to benefit government entities and certain corporations.
5. Human Rights for Prisoners March - I conduct an online protest march against (1) criminalizing mental illness; (2) capital punishment; (3) solitary confinement; (4) trying and sentencing children as adults; (5) wrongful convictions; (6) prison profiteering (7) neglect of and brutality against prisoners.
6. Determination to expose and oppose racism and class consciousness in the justice system as revealed by the denial of due process of law to the Neal family and by the victimization of numerous Americans of all races whose stories I publish in three blogs and social media, hoping they will be helped by decision makers (taxpayers, voters, elected and appointed officials).
7. I publish news that prove the Constitutional rights Americans hold dear are systematically being undermined and made moot by (a) ignoring the rights of certain individuals or classes of people, and (b) overriding Constitutional rights by enacting new laws, supposedly for security. My focus is attacks against the First Amendment, especially net freedom.
8. I am Chairperson of the MacPhail/Davis Truth Commission, petitioning the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and the United States Department of Justice for a new investigation regarding Officer MacPhail's murder. Troy Davis asked us to "continue to fight this fight" and clear his name - see
9. I expose and oppose Internet censorship, particularly Senate Bill 968 and House Resolution 3261, which propose putting the Internet under the U.S. Justice Department, which I know to be corrupt.
10. I expose and oppose officials' reneging on their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States, causing erosion of our civil and human rights. Some officials are lynching America. That is to say, they are following directives by 1700s slave master Willie Lynch: (a) occasionally show mastery over slaves by brutal beatings (police brutality) and deaths (executions); (b) control slaves' communication (Internet censorship), (c) keep slaves so poor that they concentrate on their next meal instead of how to escape slavery. Google my HubPages articles, "Lynching America" and "Food Stamp Slave Reparations," among others. Some of the links are within my tweets below.
@MayorReed This will be a BEAUTIFUL wk in Atl. I feel like MARCHING against lawyer fraud & gangstalking police! #RESIST
@Lawyerscom @SupremeCourtRep There ARE ethical attorneys, but The Cochran Firm fires theirs and
@Google @rww Stalkers won't let our phone dial 601-488-4044 Vickie Gilliam Esq., who TRIED to help the Ramapough People
@Legal_Injustice The CochranFirm regularly defrauds clients in civil actions. Searching now 4 prisoners they defrauded for prison investors.
@KasimReed Politicians lose the 99% assisting TheCochranFirm against Andersons Jacksons and Dozier
@LegalLawWatch God was sick of Pharisees at The Cochran Firm defrauding His people, so He let them defraud the Neals.
@LegalBlogWatch POLITICIANS &JUDGES, note that Cochran Firm Frauds are going DOWN. Decide whether U are going down with them-Joshua 24:14-24
@YourAnonNews Watch my video re stalkers @Twitter & note my page is stagnant. Other ppl's pages are alive w/ new tweets
@Google @RCdeWinter @bferc Time the stalker heard where Edwinna & I will meet (phone tap), he left home. "No Weapon"
@RCdeWinter @Delaproser @OccupyWallSt The 99% asks gov & corps "Why U do us bad?" Reply: THAT'S THE WAY I FEEL ABT CHA
@Google I was about to write an expose re the stolen tweets, but some other time. Ppl need 2 know what they censor &why
@Google @SupremeCourtRep Hopefully if enough Cochran Firm Fraud victims come forward, we can get them under the RICO Act. They're racketeers
@Google @SupremeCourtRep Edwinna called. They didn't get her! We're meeting today. Her home ph stopped working! She used someone else's.
@Google @TheBlackList The Cochran Firm isn't through defrauding Kathryn Johnston's family! paragraph 8 and 9.
@Google I updated this article with 10 reasons why I am America's most censored person
@Google Help Edwinna, please! "Edwinna Must Survive the Cochran Firm Fraud" She wants to go public, but then they ...
@Google If they continue to prevent me from reaching Edwinna, I will have to publish her phone no. so others can help
@ABCNewsNow @NPR @WSJ @CBS @BET If something happens to Edwinna, media & courts R responsible! Warn ppl abt criminals!
@Delaproser Pray for Edwinna, a dissatisfied Cochran Firm client who's being stalked & terrorized & wants to go public. Now her phone...
@SupremeCourtRep Edwinna & I are to meet Sun (tomorrow) & videotape her expose re her COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD & terror, but her phone suddenly...
@SupremeCourtRep I must speak w/ Mr. Mann about The Cochran Firm Fraud against the Ramapough People of NJ Disgraceful!
@SupremeCourtRep Hopefully, the judges won't rule The Cochran Firm doesn't exist in CA re Jackson family's fraud
@SupremeCourtRep They may hoo-doo judges. When my mom & I sued, they got GA judges to say The Firm had no GA offices
@SupremeCourtRep I called police becuz my phone stalkers know Edwinna's ready to go public re her Cochran Firm Fraud & her phone suddenly...
@SupremeCourtRep Only took 5 min. to find what Pete is up to these days, but when I called Edwinna back: THE NO. YOU DIALED CAN'T BE REACHED
@SupremeCourtRep I left phone to ck her atty online: Mickiel Pete - Presently being sued for defrauding Andersons in KY
@SupremeCourtRep Please do something w/ The Cochran Firm. A former client called me, being stalked & terrorized after complaining abt srvc!
@padp_org DAVIS/MacPHAIL TRUTH COMMITTEE: Petition to Investigate MacPhail's Murder. "KEEP FIGHTING THIS FIGHT" T.Davis
@TheBlackList These students were sitting when sprayed, as OscarGrant was lying facedown when BART shot him in the back
@OWSAtlanta Police pepper spray, arrest students at UC Davis - I see what U mean, @VictorHoustonBP
@ToysRUs It's toy time! Our house: Playstation3, Baby Alive, art set, computer games ... Love shopping in your store - so festive!
@thehill OFFICIALS must RESPECT their bosses, the 99%, not pepperspray and arrest us! Romans 13:1. MASS ARREST PLANNED?
@thehill "Don't imagine evil in yo hearts against yo neighbor; & love no false oath: for these are things I hate," saith the LORD. Zech 8:17
@OMGFacts Officials: I swear to support/defend Constitution of USA against all enemies, foreign & domestic; bear faith & allegiance to same.
@Twitter today's the 3rd time @SupremeCourtRep followed @koffietime. It is disgusting how these cyberdogs delete my followers. Pls stop 'em.
@BlackcatProwl @FlaElderIssues You like the video w/ hundreds of seniors @OccupyChicago in my article? #socialsecurity
@OccupyWallSt OFFICIALS, it is unseemly to pepper spray and arrest your bosses. Honor the 99%, which is in authority over you. Romans 13:1
@TheLawNews Excuse me. Good Holder speaks up 4 Latinos & War on Terror camp detainees. But hides Larry Neal's lynching
@Google Why does CoIntelPro hate black women like my elderly mom and me? Punishment for asking WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY!
@YourAnonNews Similar tricks as I typed pleadings against The Cochran Firm frauds; prevented print 4 certain data VIDEO
@YourAnonNews Experiment: Go to @koffietime profile pg. Try to highlight & copy tweets fr Nov 2011. Censored tweets won't highlight or paste
@Google I always knew they had it in for Christians. Wow! AFRICAN AMERICANS AND CHRISTIANS FIRST?
@Google - CoIntelPro stole some tweets from Nov. 1 to/from @persecutionnews - Compare my @Twitter profile to #Christian
@Google @Twitter I have to track and report what CoIntelPro censors. That reveals the gov's plans for Americans.
@Google Help! I'm at my MaryLovesJustice blog trying to drop my tweets. Discrepancies btwn what's at Twitter & blog for Nov. Erro400 BLOCK!!
@Google CoIntelPro silenced my video at the beginning to cover-up my niece saying "Neal." Pls fix it. LARRY NEAL MURDER
@CarterCenter Ms. Rosalynn, heathens in gov killed my poor brother for being mentally ill & refuse to release records
@AwakentoGod The dog on Mama's wall represents LARRY NEAL, who the gov killed for being mentally ill #EricHolder #USDOJ
@AwakenToGod God is awesome. His mercy is new every morning! Listen to "Because He Lives" and meet Mama, 89 on Nov. 16
@Google @Lawyerscom @LegalBlogWatch Bloggers need instruction on how to ensure their blogs comply w/ requirements under Nazi bill H.R.3261.
@SEIU Occupy Demand: DIVEST or RESIGN Foolish to ask officials who own corporate stock to side with the 99%. Matt. 6:24
@WeAreThe99Prcnt Largest justice quest in history: Troy Davis. If execution ends it, how can any protest win again?
@sanaquijadamd @vlu77 @Delaproser PETITION 4 MacPhail murder investigation. Troy Davis: "Continue to Fight This Fight"
@Google My daughter has trouble uploading a terrific @TheSims3 video to her blogger blog You think it's CoIntelPro?
@LawyersABC LOTS OF INTRA-RACIAL HATRED AMONG NEGROES, TOO. That's why Negroes make good plantation overseers, right?
@CBS Mama was 89 on Nov 16. I promised her JUSTICE 4 LARRY NEAL. I try 2 do that, USDOJ, but seems I can't get next 2 U
@truthout There's nothing concealed that won't be disclosed, or hidden that won't be made known ~Luke 12:2. H.R.3261 won't help hypocrites!
@ArchbishopYoung My attitude toward DOING God's will is the only attitude that matters. Prov. 31:8-9, Luke 12
@rcfp HOW do they get reporters to cooperate w/ Larry Neal's lynching cover-up - money, blackmail, terrorism? #USDOJ
@bucksays Thanks 4 article re Eric Holder & WACO, etc. Now EXPOSE the Larry Neal lynching cover-up
@JustKhaotic You seem to be fearless journalist. Here's a test: MARY NEAL v. USA re RACISM, CONSPIRACY, TERRORISM
@JustKhaotic Thx for report abt 7-yr-old & 8-yr-old siblings HANDCUFFED & ARRESTED for fighting on a school bus #prison
@bferc Who ordered @Google 2 remove police brutality videos fr YouTube, the KKK or traitor Negroes over justice in USA?
@TPPatriots Hello, white America! Welcome to your share of our FOOD STAMP SLAVE REPARATIONS
@rww NEVER MIND what they SAY, sheeple. Check voting records! Don't be Willie Lynch fools. "LYNCHING AMERICA" #slavery
@ACLU_Mass They wanna take over the Internet via H.R.3261 so they can kick butts w/o U knowing & telling #government
@LegalBlogWatch Folks need to go through their blogs and delete extended quotes from other sources, right? The Nazis R comin' w/ H.R.3261!
@blackvoices Honey, you ain't never seen CRUELTY and CORRUPTION 'til you at the mercy of a corrupt Nig++r -
@firefox It's a wonder @THOMASdotgov computer can function weighted by 112th Congress' Nazi bill to end Freedom of Press in USA - H.R.3261
@OccupyWallSt You think they beat yo as#es? Wait 'til Internet is under WACO Atty Gen Holder and they can cover up like
@theGrio Greetings to sold-out, mercenary, Nazi misleaders. Take Internet w/ HR3261! Get activists off keyboards & outside w/ @OccupyWallSt
@truthout Get ready! They mean to shut down the Internet so let's REALLY get some things off our chests! Truth on the Plantation called USA!
@OWSAtlanta @OccupyWallSt @bferc @TheBlackList @RCdeWinter The 1% chases $$ like dogs chase cats. IT'S THE DOG IN THEM
@Google @VictorHoustonBP @Delaproser @OWSAtlanta Finished "FOOD STAMP SLAVE REPARATIONS" about the 99%'s justice quest
@Google @TheBlackList @VictorHoustonBP @Delaproser @teapartynews @DNC_News @gossip @yrnf "FOOD STAMP SLAVE REPARATIONS"
@OccupyWallStNYC Sometimes they starve acute mental patients in solitary confinement in private prisons. Yo Turn!
@OccupyWallStNYC Starvation is punishment for opposing fascism. Maybe they want to depop OccupyWallStreet protesters!
#OWS protester approaches entrance w/ mashed potatoes. Quickly, police move in 2 block. "LET THE FOOD IN!!"
@Google Larry Neal's secret arrest and murder is too political for many attys, even w/ 100% irrefutable proof, but just right for publishers
@Google Problem: Larry was murdered under Bush admn; cover-up continues by Obama admn. & many adverse parties in Gov. Too #political 4 attys
@RobertRBryan Any time you're ready, I really, really need help here. CRAZY IDEA: JUSTICE IN AMERICA #DP #censorship
@TheTeaParty_net I'm far left, some of you are far right. But WE BOTH HATE DESTRUCTION OF THE CONSTITUTION! #freedom
@TheTeaParty_net Thanks for following me again. I think CoIntelPro HAARPed you from @koffietime again. Must keep justice-minded ppl apart.
@FernbankMuseum Our young student is excited about the class trip to Fernbank today. Thanks for the fun learning experiences over the years.
@hrw @bferc @WSJ @OccupyTheHood Went fr $60K/yr to food stamps 2 hide gov lynching cover-up. Coming article "FOOD STAMP SLAVERY REPARATIONS"
@Google Petition for investigation re MacPhail's murder attacked at Was misdated 9/21/11 so ppl will think it's 2 late
@leelous I have a sure best-seller or three about COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD, but they control my phone and PC 2 prevent communication w/ lit agents
@leelous Welcome to tweets by America's most censored person. I've a TEAM of cyberstalkers - 4 IP addresses captured, but police said, "So?"
@Twitter help! Cyberdogs would not let me sign out just now.They may be stealing more of my followers! Pls lock that option. I delete no one
@MLKDay @NPR Killing MLK did not stop the civil rights movement. Killing Troy Davis must not stop his justice quest
@rww Can 1% end world's largest justice quest by killing the principal?Troy Davis request: CONTINUE TO FIGHT THIS FIGHT
@iSupremeCourt Read why many blacks should not/do not trust nat'l #health care at "NAACP v. Black Cigarette Smokers"
@iSupremeCourt Nat'l health care must not incl. enforced microchips, vaccinations or jail for failure to pay fines by those who refuse ins.
@differentending @vlu77 If we do NOTHING more re Troy Davis' execution, will states kill many more potential innocents?
@LawyersABC Do attys know something Americans need to know? Where's my atty for suit w/ 100% IRREFUTABLE PROOF of gov murder cover-up?
@LawyersABC Mysterious deaths abound, especially when the USDOJ conspires with murderous police to cover-up murders
@SanDiegoOne Thanks for following America's most censored woman. U may have to follow repeatedly due to stalkers #slave
@VictorHoustonBP I learned fr your dialog on @RevPinkney @blogtalkradio last 2 Sundays Tapes are online #blackpanther
@VictorHoustonBP Didn't know much abt Black Panthers. Glad yours isn't a prejudice org but had many justice-minded white benefactors #Unity
@VictorHoustonBP Oppressors fear my uniting w/ REAL civil/human rights orgs & activists lest they lose The Cochran Firm as CoIntelpro #black
victor houston tweet goes here
@AP @BIG_GOV @bferc @TheBlackList @DNC_News Sun Nov 6, VictorHoustonBPP joined us on Rev.Pinkney Blogtalk Show. Listen…
@california I told her an EVIL DOCTOR MURRAY killed MJJ, but the doctor is going to jail. Thank you. Well done. Some inmates belong there.
@california Our 4-yr-old heard the noon news. "Mommy, Michael Jackson's dead!" she exclaimed. She's been dancing w/ him via video for a year
@OccupyWallSt @OccupyTheHood @Amnesty If marches and petitions worked, Troy Davis would be alive. BOYCOTT4JUSTICE 11/9!…
@MarthaStewart Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also. OCCUPY DEMAND: DIVEST OR RESIGN Avoid #antitrust
@OccupyTheHood @OccupyWallSt God said Reps will never vote against their stock portfolios. DIVEST OR RESIGN Matt.6:24
@OccupyWallSt @OccupyTheHood OCCUPY THE AREA AROUND PRISONS AND JAILS where nonviolent ppl & mental patients are arrested for PRISON PROFITS
@TreatmentAdvCtr I read your advice re calm advocacy. But THEY'RE KILLING PEOPLE!… 20-yr-old starved to death in jail.
@TheJusticeDept Next time police kill a mental patient, don't help them hide it. The po man might have a sister like MARY NEAL. @Delaproser
@vlu77 @NPR "BECAUSE HE LIVES" I promised my mom that Justice will come. #JESUS SAID DON'T KILL MENTALLY ILL PPL!… -
@Defender411 @LegalBlogWatch I promised Mama & God that I'd be an activist until JUSTICE comes. GOT ANY JUSTICE FOR ME?…
@NPR NO! Again I say NO! I will not be quiet about abuse. Apathy re human rights abuses is #sin for Christians and Jews
@rww Does USA care if the world knows mentally ill ppl were EVICTED fr hospitals 2 be homeless, imprisoned or killed?
@TheJusticeDept @Care2 Will U care when the world sees the videos of how my ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL gp was taken fr me?
@vlu77 I prefer to be a living testimony, but I'm surrendered to the #Lord. You must repent from dogging out sick ppl.
@cxs @TreatmentAdvCtr 1.5 million mentally ill inmates x 4 loved ones ea = 6 million Americans need treatment 2 replace prisons! #government
@Google @vlu77 I'm on the battlefield to give ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL (Google it) #MahaliaJackson
@iammilitary Soldiers act courageously while terrified during battle. I'm a #Christian soldier. Mahalia Jackson sings!
@JewishVLibrary Thx 4 online reference material to write "Nazi Extermination of Mentally Disabled in Germany and USA"
@JewishVLibrary Things R sad in USA. Did Nazi Germany insist on families pretending nothing happened when gov killed mentally ill relatives?
@legallawwatch The SupremeCourt allows warrantless entry; GPS tracking is allowed - So is murder
@EZitrin Great that TX Ct of Appeals STARTED @Justice4Hank - but w/o a DNA test, a stay is just a delay. Remember Troy?
@ELUTHERIA2 @Digg There are cover-ups, then cover-ups to cover-up the cover-ups VIDEO… #blackcomedy
@bferc Thanks 4 following @koffietime - most censored American. They usually delete my black followers. Pls ck. Are you still following me?
@TheLawNews Will gov supply jobs/grants for ppl w/o $ for mandatory health ins? Secondly, no microchips or mandatory vaccines.
@Defender411 That's up to the police. Everything is in a police state. "Mary Neal v. CoIntelPro Continues"… #police #USA
@nickegreengrass Don't feel bad. I had dogs 4 lawyers.VIDEO JohnnieCochran CoIntelPro MurderTheory
@innocenceblog @vlu77 Marching for Awareness 4 Wrongful Convictions GOD HATES hands that shed innocent blood Prov.6:17
@MLKDay There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, politic, nor popular, but conscience tells one it is right
@iSupremeCourt Justices, pls revisit your decision of 2009 re post-conviction testing rights. Innocence matters to God.
@BBAdictos @RawStory Requesting the @iSupremeCourt to spare Hank Skinner from becoming the 1%'s next HUMAN SACRIFICE…
@BBAdictos A black GA grandma speaks TRUTH to power at - but now our family is under siege! VIDEO…
@EW Michael Jackson was MURDERED, not manslaughtered. Dr. Murray is a murderer. See MJJ's Death: The Conspiracy Theory…
@TheBlackList @TPPatriots @USSConstitution Lynching America… Hank Skinner: Human Sacrifice for 1%…
@ABAJournal @Lawyerscom @AtlantaPost @Prisonwatchint HANK SKINNER: HUMAN SACRIFICE FOR THE 1%… Killing ppl to show power
@TheJusticeDept @GovernorPerry @BestofTexas @Amnesty @texasinsider HANK SKINNER - HUMAN SACRIFICE FOR THE 1%… #OccupyTX
@prisonplanet @vlu77 @TheBlackList @nprnews Human Trafficking by Government - Kids 4 Cash…
@Justice4Hank @RCdeWinter @OccupyWallSt The 1% uses the 99% for human sacrifices - Wednesday is Hank Skinner's turn…
@Google @ReprieveUK @PeopleofFaith Hank Skinner's Last Wish - Justice. Hank Skinner: Human Sacrifice for the 1%…
@SupremeCourt Please, Justices, we need your help again for @Justice4Hank Skinner. TX denied DNA test & kills him Wed…
@Reuters @PrincessDelap @innocenceblog @vlu77 Willie Lynch advised slave masters to periodically beat or kill slaves-DP…
@Google - I have to change my password again! They let the new one work when I complained, but I got no message fr you that password changed
@TheJusticeDept @cxs CoIntelPro tricked me out of my @Google password this am w/ a fake screen. Now agents won't let me change it! HELP!
@bferc CoIntelPro steals my black @Twitter friends, even my own family. Pls try to hold on or re-join if they HAARP U
@CNN Orig BPP Gen.VictorHouston on RevPinkney Blogtalk Nov 6 5pmEST. Taped shows (347)994-3644 See
@preparebesafe My safety is up to God. Obedience to Him and keeping the faith are all I'm required to do. Proverbs 3:5
@AP @Peace @OccupyWallSt I think they're HAARPing America. These hundreds of #earthquakes aren't natural occurrences. The 99% scares them.
@EFF @OmegaFaith Mary Neal's Google Profile… Persecuted for righteousness sake. Great is my heavenly reward! Praise #GOD
@stand4justice78 @TreatmentAdvCtr @UN Justice 4 Jeremy Petition: Lifelong schizophrenic in solitary in CA -… California
@TheJusticeDept There's no statute of lim on murder incl Larry Neal's. We may get a just Atty Gen…
@EFF I'm suing the USA in part to get my @Care2 online group AIMI back from CoIntelPro. They took it! Mary Neal v. USA…
@NetworkingPro @EFF See ASSISTANCE TO THE INCARCERATED MENTALLY ILL. Help decriminalize mental illness! Save ppl and $
@TreatmentAdvCtr @stand4justice78 Hi, Gina! How is yo son? Did he get LIFE for offending the guard during mental health crisis? #California
@AP Police officers, pls be careful how U treat @OccupyWallSt protesters. We Reap What We Sow… AND…
@Peace @Delaproser @RCdeWinter @cxs Can't We All Just Get Along like Rodney King suggests on this VIDEO?… #government
@FRamabama Thx 4 RT! Info re BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE is at… (add yo own reason to Boycott!) and see… AND
@OccupyWallSt @OWSAtlanta @Delaproser Shop until 11:59pm Tue, then BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE!… BLOG… #RESIST
@HumanityNews @good_phil @TheBlackList @AP Shop until midnight Tue, then BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE!… BLOG…
@OccupyEarth #GOD SAID we cannot separate corporations & banks from government unless reps "DIVEST or RESIGN"… Matt.6:24
@jonhutson Violence isn't necessary - wars, executions, police brutality or retaliation, etc. I wouldn't serve a God who didn't have a hell.
@PersonhoodCO Everyone on death row started out as an embryo. Help me save them, too.…
@dransari I love doo wop music & big band - the old music! Especially when the sound is combined w/ gospel. Listen:…
@Google The little 1+ button on my share widget at FreeSpeakBlog doesn't post blogs to my #Google+. What should I use?
@lifechurchtv @EFF GOD FACING LAY-OFF BY SUPREME COURT… Gov wants 2 take God's job re 1 Cor. 12:28 PLUS control Internet
@OWSAtlanta My thoughts are with you as you announced plans to re-take Troy Davis Park today at 8:00 p.m. #God bless U & police w/ safety.
@AP @TheBlackList Looking forward 2 Victor Houston of orig BlackPantherParty on @RevPinkney Blogtalk on Sun 11/6 5pmEST
@EFF "Defending civil liberties in a digital world"? U may have mental issues like OWS. CRAZY IDEA: JUSTICE IN AMERICA…
@EFF WELCOME to earth's 7 billionth person! God has enough space, food and love for U. People who feel crowded should go depop themselves.
@Google @mashable Can I make my @Google+ posts public like my @twitter posts? The whole planet needs my info, i.e.,
@Google @mashable @online_experts I need urgent help, PLS! I described the issues at Blogger Forum… #internet #Google+
@NetChoice Sen Wyden & @RepZoeLofgren want to save USA from being lynched. "LYNCHING AMERICA"… #S968 #HR3261 #netfreedom
@RepZoeLofgren Congress idea to take over the Internet came fr Wilie Lynch, slave master from 1700s. "LYNCHING AMERICA"…
@Google Is there any way to make this hub respond to search by its name? LYNCHING AMERICA… - no profanity, nudity, or
@TreatmentAdvCtr Help! I've a CRAZY IDEA! JUSTICE IN AMERICA… - It must be contagious. @OccupyWallSt went crazy, too.
@DLFTV @Delaproser @OccupyEarth 1% elitists told me it's crazy to expect justice! "CRAZY IDEA - JUSTICE IN AMERICA"…
@wakeupcallshow Victory Is Ours If We Resist! Submit to #God. Resist the #devil & he will flee from you ~James 4:7… #win
@OWSAtlanta Victory Is Ours If We Resist! Submit yourselves 2 God. Resist the devil & he will flee from you ~James 4:7.…
@thedevilsucks Is Mr. Cain giving "the sign" in this @newyorktimes photo?…
@Google When I selected "compose" to send @HubPagesDotCom notice that my LYNCHING AMERICA article is not searchable, gMail went black.
@HubPagesDotCom My article LYNCHING AMERICA… is not searchable on the Internet or at MaryNeal on HubPages profile pg.
@blackvoices Sun 5pmEST @RevPinkney @blogtalkradio Guest: Victor Houston of orig BPP Call-in 347-994-3644 Taped shows
@Google @RCdeWinter @Delaproser @JailedHumanity Maybe my most important wk - unsearchable on Internet: LYNCHING AMERICA…
@HumanityNews Forbes List of Most Powerful People in the World…
@Google @JudicialWatch @LegalBlogWatch @TheJusticeDept I promised my Mama JUSTICE. See her tears on CochranFirmContract
@memphisnews @OpenGov @TheJusticeDept Such as we do to ONE of the least of these, His brethren, we do to HIM Matt.25:40
@NAACP @BenJealous I've had many disappointments. But here's what I really look forward to that nothing can Change…
@Delaproser My Philosophy: A tiny, persistent drip of water hitting the same spot over time will eventually make a hole in hard rock #FIGHT
@DHSJournal GOD gave me a Philosophy Of Liberty… If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed John8:36 #USA
@Amnesty This is one of my favorite videos - VICTORY! See the unity? The love? Diversity? Wow!…
@PeopleofFaith Here's how I feel about it all - Long As I Got King Jesus, I Don't Need Nobody Else!… But friends R nice!
@Google I am blocked fr following U again. @netlawmedia WhatDoU say abt H.R.3216 & S.968? See "LYNCHING AMERICA"…
@crosswaypeople fr Memphis, U might ask, "Ain't U scared of these ppl?" Let me put it this way: I must read Acts 18:9-10 repeatedly. #Jesus
@OMGFacts @OWSAtlanta @OccupyWallSt @Google Did I tell y'all abt this? CONGRESS TO SILENCE THE 99% via H.R.3261 & S.968…
@persecutionnews NOBODY knows the trouble I've seen advocating against criminalizing mental illness & DP… #terrorism
@rww I am a pre-Trib, pro-Israel radical Christian human/civil rights advocate. Don't be offended - It's yo thang!…
@BenBHVoices Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill(AIMI) Hundreds of ppl who know & care. #schizophrenia #bipolar
@USHouseNews Vote NO on "LYNCHING AMERICA" 2 many sacrifices 4 security.Secure IntellectualProperty w/o taking Internet
@BorriUPS @shiva_great_one @RichGibson @vigneshwar My hackers do it for money, not fun. THEY'RE PAID TO CENSOR ME
@SaveHumanRights Sun 5pmEST @RevPinkney blogtalkradio Guest: Victor Houston, orig BPP. Call-in 347-994-3644 Taped shows
@Lawyerscom @LawyersABC @LawSchoolFacts @LawScribbler @LegalBlogWatch @JudicialWatch re H.R.3261, "LYNCHING AMERICA"
@rww @AP @democracynow @hrw @Amnesty @NAMI @TreatmentAdvCtr re pending Internet censorship bills, "LYNCHING AMERICA"…
@TheBlackList @blackvoices @BlackTh0ught @BlackcatProwl @RCdeWinter re Internet censorship bills, "LYNCHING AMERICA."…
@CabinCr3w Thanks for info at yo Twitter pg. I wrote another article about @OccupyWallSt , "LYNCHING AMERICA."… #HR3261
@HubPages "Lynching America" is abt advice by Willie Lynch to VA slavemasters in 1712: CONTROL SLAVES' COMMUNICATION
@TheJusticeDept “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered” (Ps. 32:1). Not "covered-up."
@TheJusticeDept Hackers filled Wrongful Death of Larry Neal website w/ question marks (on my view). No copyright issue!…
@Google @TheBlackList Wonder what CoIntelPro did 2 my WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL website? Why all the question marks?…
@ENewsNow I bet you have to post gov-approved news after H.R.3261 or S.968 passes, right?… Or do U do that already?
@rww @Google Ain't this AWFUL? Just like China "Rep. Lofgren: Copyright bill is the 'end of the Internet'"… #CENSORSHIP
@Delaproser @OccupyAtlanta @OccupyWallSt Now see what U did? They're putting the Internet under the US Atty's Office!…
@FreetheInnocent @innocenceblog @ACLU @Amnesty @DeathPenaltyBks Maybe DP states are racing! Innocent ppl = extra points…
@FreetheInnocent Shameful! They plan 2 kill Hank Skinner on 11/9 w/ request for DNA test DENIED! Pretense of justice for all is over! #DP
Please see SOME of my November 2011 tweets below. Most of my tweets could not be copied and pasted. I am America's most censored. There is a discrepancy between the tweets I copied here and those at my Twitter page. Some are missing from this blog. The disparity was likely interference by my personal censorship force and not by Twitter or Blogger. In my article, "Internet Censorship American Style," I published a video showing that text can be coded to be unprintable. Stalkers can block part of your blogs from public view, make your tabs invisible, and render text ineligible for the copy/paste function. My tweets they want to censor are like that. If you highlight my Twitter page, copy it, then try to drop it into a document, there are usually missing tweets. The missing tweets indicate news that is being censored with particularity. I then can make certain predictions about officials' plans based on the news they censor from my tweets and articles. I publish my predictions in an article, "Mary Neal's End Times Predictions."
Why am I the most censored American? The USA has many human/civil rights activists, but I may be the only one who had a disabled brother secretly arrested for 18 days and murdered, with all requests for records and government accountability denied for eight years. (See Wrongful Death of Larry ). My disabled brother's secret murder proves that America does some of the same human rights violations as Nazi Germany did and China does. Other reasons for my censorship are the ten listed below:
1. Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, an online advocacy group I founded and direct to help decriminalize mental illness in America, which would be unprofitable for prison investors
2. Boycott 4 Justice: No Shopping on the 9th of any month during 2011. If decision makers cared about our petitions and marches, Troy Davis would still be alive. Power responds to money and guns. Being a nonviolent Christian woman, I advocate boycotts like Dr. Martin Luther King used, i.e., the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
3. Occupy Demand: Divest or Resign "Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also." Americans expect officials to introduce and support laws that are detrimental to their own stock portfolios, but the Bible says that will not happen. Officials must divest themselves of corporate stock during the time they represent the People, or we will continue to compete with elected officials' wallets.
4. The Cochran Firm Fraud: One of the nation's largest plaintiffs' law firm that misuses Johnnie Cochran's name and reputation to defraud certain clients to benefit government entities and certain corporations.
5. Human Rights for Prisoners March - I conduct an online protest march against (1) criminalizing mental illness; (2) capital punishment; (3) solitary confinement; (4) trying and sentencing children as adults; (5) wrongful convictions; (6) prison profiteering (7) neglect of and brutality against prisoners.
6. Determination to expose and oppose racism and class consciousness in the justice system as revealed by the denial of due process of law to the Neal family and by the victimization of numerous Americans of all races whose stories I publish in three blogs and social media, hoping they will be helped by decision makers (taxpayers, voters, elected and appointed officials).
7. I publish news that prove the Constitutional rights Americans hold dear are systematically being undermined and made moot by (a) ignoring the rights of certain individuals or classes of people, and (b) overriding Constitutional rights by enacting new laws, supposedly for security. My focus is attacks against the First Amendment, especially net freedom.
8. I am Chairperson of the MacPhail/Davis Truth Commission, petitioning the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and the United States Department of Justice for a new investigation regarding Officer MacPhail's murder. Troy Davis asked us to "continue to fight this fight" and clear his name - see
9. I expose and oppose Internet censorship, particularly Senate Bill 968 and House Resolution 3261, which propose putting the Internet under the U.S. Justice Department, which I know to be corrupt.
10. I expose and oppose officials' reneging on their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States, causing erosion of our civil and human rights. Some officials are lynching America. That is to say, they are following directives by 1700s slave master Willie Lynch: (a) occasionally show mastery over slaves by brutal beatings (police brutality) and deaths (executions); (b) control slaves' communication (Internet censorship), (c) keep slaves so poor that they concentrate on their next meal instead of how to escape slavery. Google my HubPages articles, "Lynching America" and "Food Stamp Slave Reparations," among others. Some of the links are within my tweets below.
- Lists








Politicians lose the 99% assisting TheCochranFirm against Andersons Jacksons and Ramapough People



Welcome @jackalopekid Beat needed for DOG JUSTICE and for JUSTICE DENIED AND

Welcome @FreshEpiphany - The Cochran Firm fraud is being EXPOSED as more victims come forward. Politicians should throw them under the bus.


Reprieve uses the law 2 enforce human rights. Is there any org doing that in America? If so, help!


Welcome @ChasesUpdates Entrepreneur opportunities avail re publishing Cochran Firm Fraud online & in print. ActionDrama

Welcome @LacyFox_ Thanks for following America's most censored person. Ten reasons listed at MaryLovesJustice blog.

Welcome @breanne_ is Visit MaryLovesJustice at -Headed out to meet another Cochran Firm Fraud victim who's stalked also

Welcome @gregorylt . Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) vs. mass arrest of sick ppl for prison profits

Welcome @MollieUpchur581 . Visit my FreeSpeakBlog at The name's a joke. I'm USA's most censored person) Radio today 5pm

Welcome @otiliaindenver One type of tweets they steal fr blogs is welcome tweets (ppl they plan to remove fr my list later). Thanks!





















Several new lawsuits against Cochran Firm for frauds. The Andersons, the Jacksons & perhaps Edwinna, whose phone suddenly stopped working!

Excuse me, cyberdogs. I was not trying to ignore my main topic, The Cochran Firm Fraud. I will get back on task. Now, about Edwinna ...


Tough prosecutor no longer certain about #deathpenalty
Retweeted by koffietime










Wisdom: Great U advocate fairness for undocumented workers & detention camp detainees, but neither can vote. Are voting machines on auto?



















Thanks @sanaquijadamd for RT re @Justice4Hank Remember Troy Davis. Without a test of DNA, a stay is just a delay. #DP







Retweeted by koffietime


With the Internet under @TheJusticeDept via H.R.3261, will they do to @OccupyWallSt what was done to WACO children?






Hey, @KasimReed - I already sent you greetings several tweets ago, but hey again.


Zucotti getting raided again, mass arrests Live feeds: #occupywallst #ows
Retweeted by koffietime












Retweeted by koffietime























victor houston tweet goes here






















The Jewish Virtual Library has added to its comprehensive anthology on Israel with a new chapter written by...



To wimc #God had me read Psalm 71 re the shooting yo ppl did while I tweeted @nickegreengrass . Read this, terrorists



That's the night the lights went out in Georgia... that's the night that they hung an innocent man. #ShoutItFromTheRooftops


Penn State's shameful cover-up - TheBlackList Pub… via @Digg


money 4 stalkers? ck. money for cyberdogs? ck. money for citizens police around her house? ck. money to pay ppl NOT to do their jobs? ck.


AOL, Yahoo, And Microsoft Band Together To Fend Off Facebook’s Ad Assault: There have been a number of rumors ci...



To wimc There are no easy answers, but there are SIMPLE answers. We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right.~Ronald Reagan





Everyone who is under the 99 percentile saw a debt runup in the 2000s,” Mike Konczal, fellow at the Roosevelt Institute says..


Thx, TX Ct of App., for granting Hank Skinner a stay re #DP. Pls order his DNA evidence tested to ensure @Justice4Hank



Thanks @BBAdictos I'm censored. CoIntelPro will almost certainly delete U w/ 36,000 followers. Please re-join @koffietime when they do.






Thanks @hiphopillnet ! I speak TRUTH to power. Therefore, CoIntelpro targets me - CRAZY IDEA: JUSTICE IN AMERICA… #Negro










Thanks @bferc (blacks for equal rights coalition) CoIntelPro is still at it JOHNNIE COCHRAN'S #COINTELPRO MURDER THEORY…

















Riot police block OccupyLSX protesters from Parliament Square - London - @Demotix News…






































Hello @crosswaypeople from Memphis! Thx again for joining. Did U know about the WRONGFUL DEATH OF LARRY NEAL? #murder

Thanks @JUSTICEDAVONTAE for marking "God Facing Layoff by Supreme Court" a favorite!…


Thanks @FRamabama for RT re "Lynching America" through H.R.3261 and S.968 - Internet censorship bills B4 Congress now


Welcome @BenBHVoices . I sympathize w/ families whose loved ones develop schizophrenia. Visit Assistance to the #Incarcerated Mentally Ill

















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