Saturday, April 21, 2012

Google, You Won't Believe This!

1.   Google, do you see that white car sitting in the driveway across from our house? Someone sits in the car all night. I did not know it until last night. A teenage girl came home in the wee hours of the morning, perhaps from a date. She stopped at the white car to talk to someone. Isn't that something? Not only do I have cyberstalkers waiting to go online with me 24/7, but we also have round-the-clock stalkers on stand-by. Can you beat that? I am glad I published films of the cyberstalking at YouTube channel JKEMPP703 so that people could see real-time cyberstalking. People would not otherwise believe such blatant First Amendment rights violations are allowed in USA. I report what stalkers do to Attorney General Eric Holder, police, FBI, Homeland Security, civil/human rights organizations, the media and everyone else I could think of, but the crimes are allowed because I told about my brother's secret arrest and murder, and the NWO apparently intended for that death and The Cochran Firm's fraud against minorities to be secrets forever. It was probably a joke on black and brown people they enjoyed for a long time, and perhaps I spoiled the fun.

2.   See my new article at FreeSpeakBlog, wherein I asked NAACP officers and members to please give Attorney General Holder my letter requesting that he investigate and prosecute these stalkers and my cyber censorship staff at this link "Attorney General Holder at NAACP Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner 2012" . An online friend told me a couple of years ago that I am a CoIntelPro target. I don't see why. I write articles around news that is already online. Confined to my Georgia plantation, the only unique reports I give are about the secret murder of Larry Neal and The Cochran Firm fraud, and that is Exposed already. Although murder has no statute of limitations, it is not likely that the injustice system will actually enforce laws against murders by police and government cover-ups, so I don't see any reason for sociopaths to worry about my reporting the mass incarceration and murders of mental patients. Nevertheless, we have 24/7 stalkers posted nearby PLUS a cyberstalking team of at least four people. That is how many IP addresses my computer security system records breaking through my security at any given time that I am online. That seems wasteful, and who is best at wasting money? 

3.   As I reported in "HOME INVASION," one of their stalkers even had the nerve to actually come to our home pretending to be a technician from the computer repair company I called or thought I called. They can redirect your cell phone calls like they redirect your computer browsers and links. Michael Moon Doggie actually put my computer on his Intranet and left an icon on my laptop saying, "To go online, call this phone number"!! Can you believe that? Was I supposed to believe that anyone on God's green earth has to call a computer tech on the phone and say, "I need to go online now, please." And Moon charged us $80 for wiping the Trojans off the computer that he actually corrupted more than it was already. That is extortion, but criminals are allowed to be their criminal selves on Georgia plantations. These people are so bold. I sit outside sometimes and hope Moon will come to visit some of the neighbors, but I never saw him again.

4.   Thanks for watching, Google. They used to have a man living in the house a couple of years ago who would turn his truck so that the dashboard faced our house. He would sit in that truck all night in sub-freezing weather and watch our house. The last family there who moved a month ago would take turns sitting in a big office chair inside the garage facing our house with the garage door raised. The new people apparently sit in a white car in the driveway all night unless the teen was talking to herself when she stopped at the car after 3:00 a.m. this morning. Several times throughout the day, a vehicle comes by and toots at the neighbors. It makes no difference that these are new neighbors; the same person toots - perhaps a supervisor making sure they are on task. Gangstalking is too ridiculous. I would find such a job beneath me, even if I was a black Confederate soldier like these clowns working on a Georgia plantation.

5.   Last night, the cyberswolves disconnected my call to Blogtalk immediately after Dr. Shirley acknowledged I was on the line and confirmed that she wanted me to be next to speak to the radio audience. That is probably because their bosses did not like what I said Thursday night on Dr. Shirley's show. I told the audience, which is mostly African Americans, about NDAA. They don't like for me to talk to Christians or African Americans, and Dr. Shirley's audience is both. Neither were the stalkers happy with what I said on the Lawless America conference call Thursday night when I finally got connected. What a lot of trouble that was to accomplish! I called Bill Windsor's Talk Shoe conference call number and got a recording saying I had to have a calling card. I have been on Bill Windsor's conference call several times, but suddenly last night the phone said a calling card was needed. I spent the next 45 minutes speaking with my phone carrier's customer service rep. Neither he nor his supervisor knew why my call to Lawless America's conference call was blocked and my phone was saying that I needed a calling card. I then sent Bill Windsor an email, and he called me. When I told him THE CYBERWOLVES PREVENTED MY CALL, Windsor got me connected with the conference call through his fax number.

6.   NONE OF THE CYBERWOLVES OR THEIR CRIMINAL BOSSES PAY OUR PHONE BILLS, AND I AM DAMN TIRED OF THEM DECIDING WHEN WE CAN MAKE CALLS AND TO WHOM. THEY ALSO DECIDE WHO CAN CALL ME AT 678.531.0262. If they don't pay these stalkers hazard pay, it is time to start. One day when I was calling attorney offices and organizations that address Christian persecution, they made my telephone number appear on the people's caller I.D. as a "restricted number." Sometimes they change the number that appears to a number other than my own. They did that one Sunday when they did not want me to call in to Rev. Pinkney's Blogtalk Show. They removed the "6" that begins my phone number. Rev. Pinkney did not know I was on the line for a long time, but he was awaiting my call. Then he noticed the phone number waiting in the host's cue that had one less number than it should and took a chance that it was Mary Neal. EVERYBODY KNOWS HOW DESPERATE THESE CRIMINALS ARE TO HIDE LARRY NEAL'S LYNCHING AND THE JOHNNIE COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD, so now people I deal with anticipate the stalkers' tricks, also.

7.   Last week a big, green helicopter flew from over my back yard to one street over and circled for more than 30 minutes. Maybe the pilot had a valid reason. If he was gangstalking, what kind of sense does that make? I feel that if I could Change, I would turn into a dragon and breathe fire on these helicopters they fly over our house. At least it did not just stand still over our rooftop like the two did in 2010 when I made the film about the gangstalkers outlining our yard with paint as a marker for the helicopters that literally stood still overhead for half an hour.

8.   People have 1.25 million mentally ill people imprisoned but have folks like these running loose. I could easily write a comedy about these stalkers' antics. They are such amateurs - obvious as a stalk of corn growing in a patch of clovers.


10.   I certainly already know they have the money to pay pilots to fly overhead, give neighbors who work "at home" free rent and vehicles. I understand they have arranged with police to ignore my police reports, witness affidavits, and videos about these crimes. I was exposed to mentally ill people most of my life until my mid-twenties, because Larry was schizophrenic and we visited the mental hospital where he lived often. I am used to people acting stranger than they do, so they have zero hope of making me crazy. That is what I am told is one of the goals of gangstalking. Believe it or not, they have a LONG way to go before they do some of the weird things that were pretty common in our house when Larry was on trial home visits. Therefore, I take it in stride. I just observe the stalkers' antics and shake my head, then grab my camera and get more footage for the DVDs that will be in my book jacket.

11.   Google, they usually send a stalker to walk a pit bull by my house when I publish something they hate. Therefore, we often go to a window when I publish something to see the assigned stalker and dog walk by. That is to mock my poem, "Dog Justice." It is absurd. A stalker once actually drove by our house slow and barked repeatedly - not dogs, the man driving! I figure most people will have to see this behavior to believe it, and that is why I videotape it, Google. Do you think they have scriptwriters? Who comes up with these ideas? I promise you, they are more out there than Larry was with some of the things they do.

12.   I hope that if/when the NWO comes out of the closet, the cyberwolves and stalkers are first for the biomass incinerators at the camps, don't you? What will they need stalkers for after the pretense that we have liberty and justice for all ends? Nothing. But they are too stupid to recognize that. Or maybe they are microchipped and cannot help but obey. A few years ago, I read and published a story about a real civil court case wherein the plaintiff sued his boss for sending him migraine headaches through the plaintiff's microchip, and the plaintiff WON. That judge verified that microchips are capable of delivering physical pain. Therefore, the stalkers may be incapable of resisting their bosses' bidding. The stalkers could even be slaves with cyanide in their microchips that can be released remotely. Who knows?

13.   Google, it was not until last night that I noticed the "remove formatting" button on my Blogger toolbar. When I use it on an article, the spaces between paragraphs get a foot wide, cyberstalkers have so many Apple codes between the paragraphs. They have some codes that are capable of rendering paragraphs invisible. It is shocking that Steve Jobs made stalker codes, but apparently his company does, because the codes say "Apple". Maybe I should not be surprised. I heard his Chinese workers were practically starving and had to sign contracts not to commit suicide at one point, so there you go.

14.   Last week, stalkers used codes to render a link invisible in an article I wrote about Rev. Pinkney's lawsuit against the NAACP. I sent the link within an email. I usually send emails to some dummy addresses to get rejected mail messages back, and the same link was gone in all of the messages that were returned. It was also missing in a message I sent to a friend who sent back a confirmation. Can you beat that? The same stalkers who work against my publishing articles against prison profiteering also work for NAACP to contain negative news reports. Interesting, isn't it? These Last Days are frightening with wealthy people going Nazi like some are, but this is certainly not a dull time period. You never know what they will do next - something dreadful, I am sure. I could go on and on about the gangstalking and online censorship that is allowed to be done to an increasing number of Americans, but this is paragraph 14 of 15, so I'll tell you more later. Focus one of your cameras on my house. These people are truly deranged.

15.  We appreciate it when people tell us cyberstalkers won't let us hae contact. See the FB post: Amillia Henderson 11:57am Apr 21  Mary Neal: I tried to befriend you on your Facebook page but had problems doing so...I sent you an email. I just posted a link about your brother on my Facebook wall...Everything you are enduring to seek justice for Larry is so believable by ME!!! May God continue to give you strength!

Mary Neal


  1. Google, paragraph 13 has sentences that show up underlined on my view, meaning the stalkers may intend to render it invisible: "13. Google, it was not until last night that I noticed the "remove formatting" button on my Blogger toolbar. When I use it on an article, the spaces between paragraphs get a foot wide, cyberstalkers have so many Apple codes between the paragraphs. They have some codes that are capable of rendering paragraphs invisible. It is shocking that Steve Jobs made stalker codes, but apparently his company does, because the codes say "Apple". Maybe I should not be surprised. I heard his Chinese workers were practically starving and had to sign contracts not to commit suicide at one point, so there you go."

  2. Readers, you have to read the paragraphs before and after large gaps carefully. There is a huge space btwn paragraph 7 and 8. They say:

    7. Last week a big, green helicopter flew from over my back yard to one street over and circled for more than 30 minutes. Maybe the pilot had a valid reason. If he was gangstalking, what kind of sense does that make? I feel that if I could Change, I would turn into a dragon and breathe fire on these helicopters they fly over our house. At least it did not just stand still over our rooftop like the two did in 2010 when I made the film about the gangstalkers outlining our yard with paint as a marker for the helicopters that literally stood still overhead for half an hour.

    8. People have 1.25 million mentally ill people imprisoned but have folks like these running loose. I could easily write a comedy about these stalkers' antics. They are such amateurs - obvious as a stalk of corn growing in a patch of clovers.

  3. Added a paragraph 15:
    15. We appreciate it when people tell us cyberstalkers won't let us hae contact. See the FB post: Amillia Henderson 11:57am Apr 21 Mary Neal: I tried to befriend you on your Facebook page but had problems doing so...I sent you an email. I just posted a link about your brother on my Facebook wall...Everything you are enduring to seek justice for Larry is so believable by ME!!! May God continue to give you strength!
