Monday, August 20, 2012

Mentally Ill Michigan Man Faces Firing Squad

PARAGRAPH 1 OF 3 --- ON JULY 1, 2012, SIX SIGINAW, MICHIGAN POLICE OFFICERS SHOT A MENTALLY ILL MAN - FIRING SQUAD STYLE. Milton Hall, 46, had a long history of acute mental illness. BEWARE - GRAPHIC, DISTURBING VIDEO embedded below and at YouTube link . Thank you, CNN, for airing this video and the news report. People cannot change problems they do not know exist. (Three numbered paragraphs, four links in this article w/ video.) The U.S.A. has 1.25 million mentally ill inmates. America also has a growing death toll among blacks because so many do not make it to the jail.

PARAGRAPH 2 --- They made me enter the link in a box instead of just selecting the linking tool from the toolbar, so that probably means they plan to hide the link from you. If they do, just Google "Siginaw Michigan Police shoot mentally ill man." Thanks. Please share. Stalkers also stole the embedded video as I hit "submit." They don't expect to hide a video that CNN carries worldwide. They expect to hide my own brother's slaying, America's secret murder. I truly believe we can do better than this. Blessings!

PARAGRAPH 3 --- (Three numbered paragraphs, four links in this article w/ video, published by Mary Neal, director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill and Dog Justice for Mentally Ill and sister of slain mentally ill man, Larry Neal  Our condolences to Mr. Hill's family and friends. Thank you for your interest in justice issues from this laywoman's perspective. "Love ye one another." ~Holy Bible

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