Thursday, June 21, 2012

Join Inmates v. CA re Prison Torture

Announcement for Prison Focus: Help Needed re Lawsuit for Human Rights of California Prisoners - Relief from Prolonged Solitary Confinement

from California Prison Focus 
Thu, Jun 21, 2012

[I have volunteered for a night or two at CA Prison Focus and stayed in contact with people there.  It really is bare-boned, no money, all heart, lots of letters all-night work.  Please support them and pass on this message to more people.  Their website, which has their Prison Focus newsletters available electronically, is

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At last we are greeting you online! We want to thank you for fighting alongside us against long-term solitary confinement in California.  We greatly appreciate the support you have given us in this struggle, whether in the form of a check or a block of your time.

California Prison Focus has been waging this fight against the SHUs (Security Housing Units) for over 20 years. Since the start of last year’s hunger strike by nearly twelve thousand prisoners, we have worked unceasingly to pressure CDCR to meet the prisoners’ five core demands.

Now we want to share exciting newsCalifornia Prison Focus is co-counsel in a class action lawsuit filed on May 31, 2012. On behalf of SHU prisoners at Pelican Bay State Prison, the lawsuit alleges that long-term solitary confinement in California violates the federal Constitution’s ban on cruel and unusual punishment.  It also claims that CDCR violates the constitutional requirement of due process when it throws people into SHU who have done nothing violent or illegal and then keeps them there for decades—or life.
You can support this lawsuit by clicking here.
This legal action requires huge numbers of hours of attorney time—our attorney donates hers completely 
pro bonoIt also involves out-of-pocket expenses. We must travel frequently to Pelican Bay to confer with our plaintiffs about legal strategy and get their histories and other information to prove our case. We travel on the cheap, driving rather than flying, and staying at inexpensive motels, but still each trip costs about $400.

This lawsuit has the potential to make an enormous impact on the lives of thousands of prisoners and their families. But there is no law firm with deep pockets behind it. The costs of pursuing the suit could compromise our chances of success, and a historic opportunity would be lost.
Will you donate to support this lawsuit?  Each gift of $20 will buy half a tank of gas on our next trip to the Pelican Bay SHU. Any amount will help. Please give what you can.

A movement against prolonged solitary confinement is building fast! With your help, California Prison Focus will hasten the demise of this form of torture in our state.

California Prison Focus
1904 Franklin St. #507
Oakland, California 94612

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