~ Rev. Floyd Harris, Jr., activist minister in Fresno, CA ~
"About one hour ago, two federal marshals appeared at Rev. Floyd Harris Jr.'s church looking for someone, I assume to arrest. A friend of mine, who is a member of the church, and I were close by; [we were] a short 30 yards from the church when my friend received a phone call. It was obvious from the voice that it was Rev. Harris having a heated discussion with someone. My friend went in first, followed by me. Rev. Harris asked for a card or ID and was refused. Rev. Harris called 911 on the marshals. Then it was good cop, bad cop. I've seen so many good cop, bad cop movies it is almost boring now. The bad cop was a total ass, which was his job, but do you go on God's grounds and attempt to intimidate a reverend? Just to find out if the person was there? Or if Rev. Harris knew where the wanted person was?
My point to you is, if they go to a church and treat a reverend that way, what will they do do you?"
Thank you, Mr. Williams, for your report. Rev. Harris came under increased surveillance when he sponsored a "Black Lives Matter" march in Fresno, CA recently. The Chief of Police, Chief Dyer, expressed fears during a media interview lately that Rev. Harris is negatively influencing children in the community and turning them against the police. Rev. Harris should not teach the youth at New Light for New Life Church of God about their human and civil rights or how to raise and can vegetables, apparently.
FEDERAL MARSHALS! That seems like a warning. Hear a radio message from Rev. Harris that may demonstrate why he is getting federal attention:
In the bible story about Esau, we learn that God did not simply hate sin but the sinner, also.
Furthermore, Rev. Harris and Rev. Pinkney keep "bad company." They hang out with MaryLovesJustice, a black woman who does not know her "place" and asks "WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY NEAL?" her mentally, physically disabled brother who was killed after 18 days of secret incarceration in Memphis/Shelby County Jail in 2003 while the jail was under federal overview. I also ask officials to please treat others as they wish to be treated. That request was not appreciated from Jesus Christ, and neither is it acceptable from Black in 21st century America.
I already wrote about the Federal Marshal they sent to my house in an article called "Home Invasion Threatened Against Mary Neal." Access it at this link: http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2015/06/home-invasion-threatened-against-mary.html
Rev. Harris is quite a thorn in the side for law enforcement, apparently. Whenever he can, he goes cop watching and films police interacting with homeless people. He actually cares about homeless people, which is very unpopular among prison investors who plan to use them as prison commodities. See pictures and a video by Rev. Harris at an article called "Government Robbery of Homeless Men in Fresno, CA"
Rev. Harris was also among a group of concerned citizens who went to the homeless people's encampment when police arrived to destroy it and confiscate their personal possessions in Fresno. They watched and videotaped the incident in hopes that their presence would help guarantee the homeless people's safety.
In the bible story about Esau, we learn that God did not simply hate sin but the sinner, also.
Furthermore, Rev. Harris and Rev. Pinkney keep "bad company." They hang out with MaryLovesJustice, a black woman who does not know her "place" and asks "WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY NEAL?" her mentally, physically disabled brother who was killed after 18 days of secret incarceration in Memphis/Shelby County Jail in 2003 while the jail was under federal overview. I also ask officials to please treat others as they wish to be treated. That request was not appreciated from Jesus Christ, and neither is it acceptable from Black in 21st century America.
I already wrote about the Federal Marshal they sent to my house in an article called "Home Invasion Threatened Against Mary Neal." Access it at this link: http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2015/06/home-invasion-threatened-against-mary.html
Rev. Harris is quite a thorn in the side for law enforcement, apparently. Whenever he can, he goes cop watching and films police interacting with homeless people. He actually cares about homeless people, which is very unpopular among prison investors who plan to use them as prison commodities. See pictures and a video by Rev. Harris at an article called "Government Robbery of Homeless Men in Fresno, CA"
Rev. Harris was also among a group of concerned citizens who went to the homeless people's encampment when police arrived to destroy it and confiscate their personal possessions in Fresno. They watched and videotaped the incident in hopes that their presence would help guarantee the homeless people's safety.
Satan says, "Damn those Christians! We've got to teach them a lesson!" Pray for Rev. Harris, please. He is not on the Homeland Security Clergy Response Team. I have four ministers, pictured below. They are:
(1) Pastor James C. Ward, who teaches us and leads us in praise and worship services, buried my brother, and baptized my children
(2) Rev. Dr. Floyd Harris, Jr., who inspires us with his courage and demonstrations of a shepherd's love for his sheep, even when endangered himself
(3) Rev. Edward Pinkney, who became a political prisoner because he obeys Proverbs 31:8-9: Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.
(4) Rev. Dr. Marin Luther King, Jr., an assassinated minister whose messages arouse in us such longing for freedom and dedication to serve mankind. All he asked of America is that she "be true to what she said on paper."
The four men above are my ministers, who I believe live(d) as God would have us all to live as doers of the Word and not hearers only. I hope that Rev. Harris never uses his liberty in Christ and his "civil rights" to sponsor a recall petition like Rev. Pinkney did. Some of us have the right to vote, but apparently, none of us have the right to sponsor a recall petition to rid our communities of politicians who corporations have in place to help rob the People or the right to teach the People about their human and civil rights and how to protect them. All of the true followers of Jesus Christ support human rights. That is considered a problem in 21st century America, just as it always was everywhere, even when Jesus said, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Before the Change, Americans had freedom to practice their religions, a First Amendment right. But as Justice Scalia, of the U.S. Supreme Court, said, "The U.S. Constitution is dead, dead, dead!" Blessings.
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