Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Obama Administration and Police Brutality

1)  From time to time I read accusations against Attorney General Holder wherein conservative whites call him a racist favoring blacks. I disagree with this assessment because of his successful attempt to keep blacks interned - some for life - for possession of crack cocaine, which only helps prison owners and investors. 

2)  I would like to read inmates' revelations of how they felt when Attorney General Holder appealed the judge's decision that the Fair Sentencing Act would be applied retroactively. Because he won the appeal, thousands of black inmates whose sentences would have been over or nearly over are still interned in prisons throughout the nation at great cost to taxpayers as well as to inmates and their families. This administration defies the United Nations' recommendation for the Fair Sentencing Act to be applied retroactively.

3)  Do you feel that this administration is doing all that it can and should do to curb police violence against African Americans? Considering its stance against releasing prisoners who were sentenced under the racist crack to powder cocaine sentencing law, do you feel this administration is likely to ever take a strong stance against mass incarceration or police violence that disproportionately affect African Americans?

4)  Part of my reluctance to believe this administration will try to curb police violence against African Americans is based on the USDOJ's refusal thus far to release information, records, and things regarding the secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother, Larry Neal, who was a black man. The refusal of accountability for his secret arrest and demise in a publicly owned jail that was already under the jurisdiction of the USDOJ (after a lawsuit by the USA against Memphis Shelby County Jail) indicates that this administration actively works against justice for African Americans, even to the point of breaking the law to protect murderous police and corrections officers. 

5)  Helping police and corrections officers to avoid accountability for crimes against America's most vulnerable people is why Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) plans an international action against the USA. Larry's murder under secret arrest and other wrongful deaths of mentally ill Americans of all races will go before the International Court in 2015. Such an action should be unnecessary to protect the human and civil rights of our homeless and mentally disabled citizens who are often neglected, brutalized and killed, and interned in large numbers (1.25 million) in "correctional facilities" where prisoner abuse is common and the press is disallowed.

6) Attorney General Holder reminded Americans that the USDOJ's investigation of Ferguson and Michael Brown's death is still ongoing. That would sound promising, except that Attorney General Holder also built hope in the Clemency Project 2014 but failed to authorize defense attorneys to participate. That was said to render the large clemency drive a dud. Considering past evidence, how likely is the DOJ investigation to contradict the findings of the Ferguson grand jury?

7) Doing what benefits private prison corporations and other big businesses seems to be a priority in Washington. Last year, corporate profits reached an all-time high of $1.68 trillion, while the share of profits that trickled down to workers hit its lowest point since the 1950's. Concerned citizens should therefore try to enlist support for justice from Big Business. This writer believes that unless there is a successful Boycott 4 Justice related to Ferguson, no federal charges will be levied against Wilson, and unrequited police violence against African Americans will continue to worsen during this administration.

MaryLovesJustice Neal
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, the Human Rights for Prisoners March, and the Davis-MacPhail Truth Committee (an anti-DP org)
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Email address
Phone (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Message to White Missouri Christians

I enjoy country gospel. Below is a video featuring "Farther Along" - a favorite. I can imagine some Missouri Christians uniting to sing this song by the fireside. They should unite for justice in their home state. God loves justice. Everybody sometimes asks, "Why me?" Someday we'll understand why. (This message and the YouTube link were also shared at Twitter, where I am @koffietime. The option to view the media at Twitter was then deleted.)

God's people have a duty to obey Pv. 31:8-9. Caucasian Christians in Missouri and elsewhere have a DUTY to prevent bloodshed in their states to the best of their ability. They should build a hedge around the protesters and help protest wrongful deaths of their neighbors. God's angels said that God would have saved the cities for the sake of TEN RIGHTEOUS MEN. Now is not the time for Christian whites in the St. Louis area to cower in their homes. They must fear not, but leave their sanctuaries and surround the protesters and forestall violence against them.

Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction.Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy.

MaryLovesJustice Neal
a daughter of the King and Prince of Peace

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Picket Only at Malls for Mike Brown

Here's How to Picket in #Ferguson, MO: Picketing shoppers at streets near malls (with permits, if applicable) should provide the excitement and feeling of comradery that boycotting alone might lack. The police will surely come, but picketing at malls would reduce the likelihood of vigilante attacks and police using army tanks, helicopters, rubber bullets, and tear gas on protesters, especially at malls in Caucasian areas. If they do use such methods to violate protesters' free speech and freedom of assembly rights, watch NOBODY go shopping the following day. Success! BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE!

Shoppers who violate the "No Justice, No Profits" boycott called by the coalition of organizations supporting justice for Michael Brown may be afraid and ashamed to violate the boycott if demonstrations center around the shopping areas. Send 20 protesters to each street corner that is an ingress and egress to every mall in St. Louis. "Justice for Michael Brown" protesters in other cities should also only congregate at malls. Change your tactics, and stop assembling in the expected places where you can easily be surrounded and attacked. If you are surrounded at malls and traffic is stopped, the malls must close, and the economic boycott will surely succeed with the help of police. Use the oppressors' police power to enforce our boycott.

Organize buses and cars to pick up protesters and deliver them to suburban malls. Accept donations for meals for protesters. Do NOT gather hundreds or possibly thousands of people in several city blocks to hear speeches from CoIntelPro agent Al Sharpton and others on Homeland Security's Clergy Response Teams. Disperse and experience success. Do not be shepherded into "safe havens" that may be anything but that. Stay on the sidewalks around malls, but do not protest on mall property.

Please read the article at the link above in my FreeSpeakBlog. I copied and pasted the link and reached a "page not found." That is because the LORD speaks to me, and I speak to you about what needs to be done to increase safety and effectiveness in the quest for human and civil rights. I am "America's most censored - Mary Neal"

MaryLovesJustice Neal
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, the Human Rights for Prisoners March, and the Davis-MacPhail Truth Committee (an anti-DP org)
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Phone (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Caution: Camps Ahead, Ferguson

What happened during the Rodney King riots was a desperate attempt by a people who had long been deprived of due process in courts of law. For a period of time, African Americans were hopeful that police violence would be dealt with fairly in criminal and civil courts. That has not been the case. Therefore, the possibility of riots might indeed exist if Wilson is acquitted, but only because the justice system has failed to deliver on its promise of equal justice. In the event that the grand jury fails to indict, I certainly hope that there is no property damage and that no more people are hurt or killed in Missouri or elsewhere. I believe the best course of action if Wilson is acquitted is to press the U.S. Justice Dept. to levy federal charges, as was done in Rodney King's case, and that further demonstrations while tempers are high would be counterproductive.

Whereas Zimmerman was not a government employee, and the police had reportedly told him to stand down, that is not the case with Wilson. Federal prosecution should be the response to an acquittal by the Ferguson grand jury, should an acquittal occur.

There is a time for all things. Ferguson is going to the United Nations, and the Justice Department has a job it should do to protect the right to life in the USA. Meanwhile, I caution protesters to be cognizant that in December 2011, the president signed the NDAA law, which permits the USA to detain citizens indefinitely without trial or any opportunity for defense. Many of us fought this law from coming to be, and we still oppose it. I perceive this law as a threat to the very idea of liberty and justice for every American, but particularly for the group that has the highest rate of incarceration presently, often without fair trials: African Americans.

Michael Brown was young and inexperienced, and so he died. I am convinced if he had known Officer Wilson would kill him, Brown would have obeyed Wilson immediately without words. The Ferguson protesters are not ignorant like Brown was about the viciousness of militarized police. At least two more young black men were killed in that area since Brown was, and a black woman is hospitalized with a gunshot wound to her head reportedly delivered by Ferguson police. Therefore, I implore Ferguson protesters to "go nowhere with an angry man," as the bible instructs. We have other options, the most important of which is to let tempers cool before embarking on any course of action should Officer Wilson be acquitted. History should teach us that any excuse would do to disregard the human and civil rights of African Americans, and there is a law that says "anything goes." Be angry, but exercise patience.

We have been concerned for some time about Martial Law and people being interned in the concentration camps that are waiting in America and foreign countries. It appears that the powers that should not be do not attempt to justly remedy wrongful deaths such as Brown's and my brother's and many other blacks endured in hopes that African Americans will give an excuse to institute Martial Law and use the concentration camps that are reportedly prepared, staffed, and stocked with supplies. How we respond to Ferguson if Wilson is acquitted could have eternal ramifications for all of us - meaning everyone in America. We have the ability to chose peace, which is really the only reasonable choice when opposed by such a formidable foe as this country can be if a people threatens its security.

Unless you want to be a suicide warrior and completely destroy this troubled peace we have had in this country since slavery officially ended, I advise everyone to STAND DOWN.

Below is a photograph from Shark Island concentration camp in what is now Namibia. Read about it at and view the videos. Do not bet our lives that the U.S. Government has more scruples than the German Empire.

MaryLovesJustice Neal
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio
(678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741