1) From time to time I read accusations against Attorney General Holder wherein conservative whites call him a racist favoring blacks. I disagree with this assessment because of his successful attempt to keep blacks interned - some for life - for possession of crack cocaine, which only helps prison owners and investors.
2) I would like to read inmates' revelations of how they felt when Attorney General Holder appealed the judge's decision that the Fair Sentencing Act would be applied retroactively. Because he won the appeal, thousands of black inmates whose sentences would have been over or nearly over are still interned in prisons throughout the nation at great cost to taxpayers as well as to inmates and their families. This administration defies the United Nations' recommendation for the Fair Sentencing Act to be applied retroactively.
3) Do you feel that this administration is doing all that it can and should do to curb police violence against African Americans? Considering its stance against releasing prisoners who were sentenced under the racist crack to powder cocaine sentencing law, do you feel this administration is likely to ever take a strong stance against mass incarceration or police violence that disproportionately affect African Americans?
4) Part of my reluctance to believe this administration will try to curb police violence against African Americans is based on the USDOJ's refusal thus far to release information, records, and things regarding the secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother, Larry Neal, who was a black man. The refusal of accountability for his secret arrest and demise in a publicly owned jail that was already under the jurisdiction of the USDOJ (after a lawsuit by the USA against Memphis Shelby County Jail) indicates that this administration actively works against justice for African Americans, even to the point of breaking the law to protect murderous police and corrections officers.
5) Helping police and corrections officers to avoid accountability for crimes against America's most vulnerable people is why Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) plans an international action against the USA. Larry's murder under secret arrest and other wrongful deaths of mentally ill Americans of all races will go before the International Court in 2015. Such an action should be unnecessary to protect the human and civil rights of our homeless and mentally disabled citizens who are often neglected, brutalized and killed, and interned in large numbers (1.25 million) in "correctional facilities" where prisoner abuse is common and the press is disallowed.
6) Attorney General Holder reminded Americans that the USDOJ's investigation of Ferguson and Michael Brown's death is still ongoing. That would sound promising, except that Attorney General Holder also built hope in the Clemency Project 2014 but failed to authorize defense attorneys to participate. That was said to render the large clemency drive a dud. Considering past evidence, how likely is the DOJ investigation to contradict the findings of the Ferguson grand jury?
7) Doing what benefits private prison corporations and other big businesses seems to be a priority in Washington. Last year, corporate profits reached an all-time high of $1.68 trillion, while the share of profits that trickled down to workers hit its lowest point since the 1950's. Concerned citizens should therefore try to enlist support for justice from Big Business. This writer believes that unless there is a successful Boycott 4 Justice related to Ferguson, no federal charges will be levied against Wilson, and unrequited police violence against African Americans will continue to worsen during this administration.
7) Doing what benefits private prison corporations and other big businesses seems to be a priority in Washington. Last year, corporate profits reached an all-time high of $1.68 trillion, while the share of profits that trickled down to workers hit its lowest point since the 1950's. Concerned citizens should therefore try to enlist support for justice from Big Business. This writer believes that unless there is a successful Boycott 4 Justice related to Ferguson, no federal charges will be levied against Wilson, and unrequited police violence against African Americans will continue to worsen during this administration.
Director of "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, the Human Rights for Prisoners March, and the Davis-MacPhail Truth Committee (an anti-DP org)
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Email address
Phone (678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741